Australian Wildlife

Australian Sharks

FAMILY : Raggedtooths

Sand Tiger Shark
(Odontaspis ferox)
Sand Tiger Shark
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FAMILY : Thresher sharks

Bigeye Thresher Shark
(Alopias superciliosus)
Bigeye Thresher Shark
The Bigeye Thresher is a large thresher with very large eyes. It has a long upper tail lobe almost half the total length of the shark. The pectoral fins are broad and curved. The first dorsal fin is located further back than on other thresher sharks... Click to continue>
Pelagic Thresher
(Alopias pelagicus)
Pelagic Thresher
The Pelagic Thresher has a very long and strap like upper tail lobe, about half the total length of the shark. It has fairly small eyes, a conical snout and large straight pectoral fins with broad tips. It is dark blue above with white underside.... Click to continue>
Thresher Shark
(Alopias vulpinus)
Thresher Shark
The Thresher Shark is a large shark with pointed pectoral fins and a very long upper tail lobe (about as long as the body). It is grey, blue-grey or blackish on the back and underside of the snout, with white belly The Thresher has fairly small... Click to continue>

FAMILY : Bamboo sharks

Epaulette Shark
(Hemiscyllium ocellatum)
Epaulette Shark
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FAMILY : Blind sharks

Blind Shark
(Brachaelurus waddi)
Blind Shark
The Blind Shark has a slightly flattened head, small eyes and a long tail. It has two dorsal fins located close together well back on the body, and a small anal fin just before the tail. It is brown or grey to black above and yellowish below. It... Click to continue>

FAMILY : Carpet sharks

Banded Wobbegong
(Orectolobus ornatus)
Banded Wobbegong
Margins of head with several branched dermal 'tentacles'. Several broad diffuse dark brown bands with corrugated edges across the head and upper body; scattered irregular pale spots covering the upper body, but no distinctive white... Click to continue>
Spotted Wobbegong
(Orectolobus maculatus)
Spotted Wobbegong
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FAMILY : Whale sharks

Whale Shark
(Rhincodon typus)
Whale Shark
Largest fish in existence. Blue-grey or brownish with a distinctive pattern of white spots and vertical lines, paler underside. Prominent ridges on sides. Broad, flat head and very wide mouth bearing about 300 rows of minute teeth in each jaw. Large... Click to continue>

FAMILY : Zebra sharks

Zebra Shark
(Stegostoma fasciatum)
Zebra Shark
The Leopard Shark is a slow swimming shark seen around coral reefs. It has cylindrical body with prominent ridges on the sides. The head is flattened and cone shaped. The tail is about half of the total length. The body is pale brown with dark brown... Click to continue>

FAMILY : Dogfish sharks

Cookie-cutter Shark
(Isistius brasiliensis)
Cookie-cutter Shark
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FAMILY : Angel sharks

Australian Angelshark
(Squatina australis)
Australian Angelshark
Body flattened with five gill slits on either side of head partially hidden by front of expanded pectoral fins; grey to grey-brown with a pattern of white spots. Tail with two dorsal fins and a caudal fin at the tip. Up to 1.5 m long (head to tail... Click to continue>

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